Treacle mining was at its height in Crick during the 17th, 18th and 19th Centuries. While most mines had closed down at the start of the 1900s due to the competition from Mr Tate and Mr Lyle some smaller one-man mining operations have continued to meet the occasional demand for Real Treacle. As recently as 2000, Crick treacle was sold on the open market as part of the Crick Millennium Festival.
The outstanding characteristic of Crick Treacle is its sweetness but by some it is reputed to be an aphrodisiac.
Very little remains by the way of surviving documents and most of our evidence is anecdotal. Given the harsh life-style and that the practices of Crick treacle mining were passed down the generations by word of mouth and on the job training, this is understandable. However, below we have pieced together some information.
Research into the ways of Crick’s Treacle Miners and their families is ongoing. If you are able to provide any factual or anecdotal evidence on the Crick Treacle Miners, please
contact us.
Acknowledgement. The source of much of the information below is a research report dated 1/4/2023 by Dr Nogram, Dr B Renrut, Jen Ny-Gee and Reg J Doog OBF based on interviews carried out between 1995 and 2004.