The Archive provides an in-depth resource which includes Community Photographs, Audio Records, Documents, Ancestries, House Histories and more

Topics covered in the Information Archive include:
Census database
Parish Records
Poll Books
Hearth Tax
1910 Valuers Book
Births, Marriages & Deaths
Ancestry - click here for further information
Crick Books & studies
Newspaper cuttings
Local Administration
Directory Entries (Bridges, Harrods, Kelly, Whellan, Bennett, Rugby Almanac, Post Office, etc)
Crick History Society
St Margarets Church, Bells and Rectors
United Reformed Church
John Bridges - 1721 description
Crick Feast
Wills - click here for further information

Image Library
Click here for further information and also refer to the Now & Then section

House Histories
Click here to see the houses covered

Other Material Shared
Local historian, EW Timmins Archive related to Crick
Local historian, Gren Hatton Archive
Northamptonshire Archaeologist, David Hall articles related to Crick
Local historian, Dr Rabould information related to Crick
Librarian, St John's College Oxford, Lord of Crick Manor

Contact the Archivist for further information